Attack & Penetration Testing

To Defeat the Hacker, You Must Become the Hacker

Software, hardware, and end-user environments host vulnerabilities that serve as a playground for hackers, contributing to an annual cost of $6 trillion, Check the Number,figure on a rapid ascent . While regular testing is crucial, a proactive strategy extends beyond one-off assessments, encompassing continuous training and resource integration. Penetration testing unearths both known and unknown vulnerabilities, but the true significance lies in the lessons learned. The insights gleaned by our red teamers go beyond mere identification, providing valuable intelligence that informs ongoing risk assessments. This context is indispensable for decision-makers, making yearly one-off tests insufficient; a continuous approach is imperative.


Internal and External Network Security Testing

In 2018 there were 30 million cyber attacks in the US. The threat is increasing – in both numbers and sophistication. But you can substantially lessen your exposure.

Track Record

Our pen test team serves the Fortune 500 and has helped thousands of organizations uncover hidden vulnerabilities in their technology, processes and people.


How effective are our pen testers? 75% of vulnerabilities exploited by the Cysigma team were not identified by standard automated tools. That’s a number you can take to the board.

Cysigma's Pen Testing Approach


Effective penetration test results:

  • Identify flaws and weaknesses in technology, processes and people
  • Minimize risk and strengthen compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Remediate vulnerabilities and reduce the attack surface


Security penetration tests typically involve manual and automated components, as well as white- and black-box testing aimed at compromising endpoints, wireless networks, mobile devices, web application security and other potential points of exposure. Because of the human in the loop, a pen test may identify flaws and weaknesses that automated scanning may miss.

Types of Penetration Testing
